Sunday, May 1, 2011

From the Truth To Strong Delusion

Many have asked the question: how is it possible that End Times apostasy can sweep the world so quickly in these Last Days and so few see that it is happening? There is only one way to understand this phenomenon. The Bible foretells this would happen (Matthew 24: 3-4). Now that we are witnessing End Times spiritual deception fewer and fewer Bible professing Christians see what is taking place.

            When discerning believers confront their pastors or church leaders about the apostasy happening in their churches where they have worshiped for many years, they are often told to leave and go somewhere else. This “get out or shut up” attitude is common and follows a pattern. The teaching of the Word and the love of God once in fellowships of believers has got up and gone. How sad it is to see what is happening to the church of Jesus Christ in our time.

            Over the past three months, I have had the opportunity to meet with numerous brothers and sisters located in five different cities throughout North America. These people represent Christians who have been asked to leave the churches they once attended. All were serious Bible believing Christians who love the Lord and His Word. The churches they attended have all “gone south” by accepting postmodern “googly-gook” promoted by the emerging church/purpose driven movement. All of them have asked me the same question: how did it happen that strong delusion crept in so quickly?

The answer to this dilemma can only be understood in light of the Bible. The purpose of this commentary will be to try to explain what is happening from a biblical perspective, why this is happening, and where things are headed in the future.   We know that the Word of God is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching and for correction (2 Timothy 3: 16). We live in a day and age when God’s Word is ignored or annihilated. We need to stand firm on the Word and proclaim it.

Two Kingdoms
The Bible clearly describes a spiritual battle raging all around us (Ephesians 6: 12). Two kingdoms are in this battle: the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan (Colossians 1: 13). God’s Kingdom is associated with light (Acts 26: 18). God’s Word is light and exposes darkness (Psalms 119:105). Satan’s agenda is to hide the light and to promote darkness (Revelation 16:10). God’s light will set us free from the wiles of the devil if we accept what God has revealed to us and act upon it accordingly (Psalms 119: 130). Satan’s kingdom is always associated with darkness. The Bible states that men like darkness more than they like light (John 3:19). The light of God shines into the darkness so that men can be saved, but men choose darkness over light (John 12:35). Even believers are not immune from Satan’s plan and they can be used as tools of deception because Satan is the one who deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:9).

            Therefore, in the Last Days both unbelievers and believers will be the target of Satan’s agenda. He wants to deceive the whole world, as he is the god of this world. Apostasy involves seducing those who once believed and deceiving them so they become part of the problem rather than the solution. Rather than warning others that the end is near and that the antichrist is at the door, they actually promote the lie that there is a PEACE Plan authored by man (I Thessalonians 5:3) These are the perilous times that Paul warned about (2 Timothy 3:1).

According to the Bible, the battle for the truth will intensify in the last days. If the Word of God is light and Satan’s kingdom is darkness, then it is easy to see what is happening. Satan has an agenda to attack the Word of God. One way he does this is through human manipulation. If he can make God’s Word the word of man and the pope’s word the “word of a god,” he will have succeeded. This is the goal of the Jesuits who are still operating throughout the world to bring the separated brethren back to the mother of all churches with headquarters in Rome.
While this agenda may seem far-fetched, you will find this plan explained in the Bible. One man will eventually rule the world with a system of control. The pope and his throne in Rome and a man who sets up his throne in the temple in Jerusalem certainly seem to provide the scenario the Bible foretells will happen. If you pay attention to current events, it is very close to happening right now!

Beware of Cults
While we are on the topic of following a man, it should be pointed out that no man or woman should ever follow any man. When you follow a man, you are in a cult. Cults are human structures set up to control property and people with their power. The leader of the cult claims that he or she is the anointed one and can never be wrong. When challenged, this leader often retorts: “Don’t touch God’s anointed.”

Surrounding the cult leader will be other powerful men who implement the cult leader’s orders. In the Roman Church, we would call these men the cardinals. However, cults can also operate in Protestant Evangelical circles. Because men love power, possession, and control over people, they will always become known by their fruit in time. They will even mix and teach the Word of God to accomplish their goals (a “whatever it takes” attitude), often using the Bible to seduce their flocks.

            It has been said that someone can become a cult leader and not even know it. This is part of Satan’s clever plan to deceive man. What better way to seduce the masses than to have a well- respected leader caught up in deception and then promote it as if he or she were God’s man or God’s woman. This is what we call the blind leading the blind or shepherds being clothed in wolves clothing. Paul warned about this as a sign of the Last Days apostasy (Acts 20 29).

            The ultimate Last Days cult will occur when the antichrist sets up his throne in Jerusalem (2 Thessalonians 2:3-5). Of course this will not happen overnight. The Church that once promoted the truth must be seduced to become part of the plan. In essence, this is what apostasy is really all about, a falling away from faith. When the signs become evident we are in the Last Days, it is time to speak up, not shut up (Matthew 24: 3-51). Then why is it that those who once warned about Last Days apostasy from a biblical prophetic scenario are now so quiet? Why have they been muzzled? Is there a reason?

            Black and White: Not Grey
            If there are two kingdoms representing God and Satan and one is darkness and the other is light, this would be the same as saying that one is black and the other is white, figuratively speaking. If Satan's kingdom is black and God’s Kingdom is white, then what about the color grey? Is there a grey kingdom as well?

            How do you think that the great deceiver works? Does he show up in a hideous looking devil’s suit? What would be a good way for Satan to get a foot in the door of the church and many would not know it?

            It seems apparent there is a grey plan that takes place in the Last Days that can best be described as the Last Days apostasy. If you can get leaders and pastors to embrace the lie at the expense of God’s Word, you have made your case. This is what is happening in the name of Christianity.

            The invasion of the emerging church/purpose driven movement into many once-sound Bible believing fellowships is happening like an avalanche. It seems that no one saw it coming until it was too late. Pastors with large churches were enamored by the possibility that “new” teachings would promote church growth, which would result in more people and bigger offerings. Instead of staying on track, they get sidetracked for the sake of power, possession, and other things. When it comes to apostasy, you can trace the source by following the money. The money trail will show you who, why, what, and where.

             How to Be Deceived
The path from light to darkness can be devious. It happens because pastors and teachers get caught in Satan’s trap, and may not even know it. It is possible to start off right and to end up wrong. This is the slippery slope so many pastors are on. They believe what they are doing is right, but instead they are totally deceived.

Jesus said: I am the light of the world. Jesus is the light of the world, and in Him there is no darkness at all. When people become followers of Jesus, they look to Jesus and to His Word.  
Then something often happens to them.They allow men to stand in the way of the pure light. Rather than see the light they see through a shadow thus perverting the clarity of the true light. Because the source of light is obscured by men casting their own shadows apostasy creeps in. Read the parable of the sower in Matthew 13.
Those who were in the light now turn their back on the source of the light. They contemplate their own shadow and begin to glorify themselves and their foolish hearts are darkened. Professing to be wise they become fools and believe the lie instead of the truth (Romans 1: 18-25). Finally these men, many with reprobate minds, follow their own shadows and walk away from the light until they are lost in darkness (Romans 1: 26-32).
This analogy describes the slippery slope from the truth to darkness. The only solution to the problem is to repent, get back in the light of God to be exposed, and start over. Whenever we start believing that our sin does not matter or that we can do whatever we want and still be God’s ambassador, God will either put a stop to our plan, or he will expose our plan to other men.
Satan’s plan to convince man that he can be God and play the role of God is his ultimate plan. When a pastor falls into this plan and leads others astray, the ultimate deception has occurred. From what I understand about End Times deception, the delusion will be so great few will survive. Jesus asked the question: When the Son of Man returns will He find faith (Luke 18:4)? The answer to that question is there will be a few, a remnant. Do you want to be among the remnant? If so, stay true to the Word.


  1. Amen brother Roger, I concur totally; I also see a correlation between the watering down of the Word of God by this inundation of 'modern translations' and 'paraphrases' with the watered down ability to discernment, particularly when discernment is associated with the Word of God (Heb. 4:12-13; 5:12-14)!

  2. Thanks for being a voice of truth. May the Lord continue to keep you standing steadfast and strong in Him as you keep His Word your light and path. We are praying for you.

  3. This is literally happening all around me as I try to stand on truth. the only joy I take in it is praise god Jesus is coming soon.
