Saturday, March 26, 2011


And thou, son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns with thee, and thou dost dwell among scorpions: be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they a rebellious house. And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: for the most rebellious (Ezekiel 2: 6-7).

David Barton has become one of the poster boys for a number of well-known evangelical organizations who seem to have lost discernment. The reason this is important is that the church is being deceived.  Also, this is part of the Roman Catholic Plan to establish the kingdom here on earth in the name of Jesus without Jesus as the head. Of course, the pope will be the head -instead.

In so doing, those who once believed the Bible and taught about apostasy have lost their way, lost sight of the gospel according to the scriptures and are now part of the problem rather than the solution. This is very sad, especially when the leaders of these of organizations have been warned. They did not listen.

Worse yet, there is the Tony Blair-Rick Warren connection with Rome and the Peace Plan. While the PEACE Plan is being developed for the world, another Peace Plan is being developed for the Middle East that you can read about in the Bible.

Further, a large percentage of what was once evangelical Christianity has now been sucked into Peter Drucker’s 666 plan. This is amazing and has been accomplished through the Rick Warren- Three- Legged- Stool- Plan.

Still few get it.

When someone warns about this coming spiritual disaster they are looked upon as ignorant and out of touch with the good things God is doing through Brother Rick Warren and Brother Tony Blair. What people don’t know, is that this plan is put into place by those here on earth that are working for the god of this world and setting up the Last Days Delusion. When someone is in a delusion, they obviously don’t know it or they would not be in the delusion.

Get ready! The Great Delusion is not here yet. More is coming. You have not seen anything yet.

The video clips below must be watched to protect yourself from the lie:

Huckabee suggests people should be forced to watch David Barton’s ideas

David Barton Sermon Index for whatever you need to take over America

Wall Builders – Building up or tearing down the Gospel of Jesus Christ or Building the kingdom without the King

Glen Beck, Pat Robertson, Sarah Palin and David Barton, take over America – also supported by some Calvary Chapel pastors

Huckabee and Barton – Constitutional experts on American and the Founding fathers

Glen Beck and David Barton and their plan

David Barton and his views from an observer

David Barton exposed by Chris Rhoda

David Barton meets Chris Rhoda

David Barton lies about Chris Rhoda

Will David Barton contribute to the possibility that Biblical Christianity could be outlawed from America as part of a plan that is a set up by the enemy. Or is Barton and Company the enemy and many including themselves do not know it because they have lost discernment or maybe never ever had it….


  1. Hi Roger, the flyer for this event has a flag at the bottom of the graphic design that looks like the Obama Presidential campaign's upside down flag.

  2. With so many of these so-called 'conservative' candidates lining up to sponge up the votes from conservative Christians, it is apparent, that it is not Jesus Christ, Lord of All, who is their concern. It is votes, and the continuation of the flow of money into their coffers. They do not care about the Christ of The Word; they care about their own self-imposed values as carriers of the 'american dream'..or 'restorers of such'. Pshaw and Shame.

  3. Thanks for this post, I agree completely. I was caught up in this during the last presidential campaign...and learned quickly of it's deception. Many are running scared trying to "save" the world from disaster, yet the Bible warns us of a coming judgment. It seems that the wolves are outnumbering the sheep these days...and those who would twist the Word of Truth into lies and deception take great pride in their wickedness.

    "You had better play with forked lightning or meddle with the most deadly disease," he said, "than trifle with the Word of God." D.L. Moody

  4. THANK YOU, Roger for standing firm in these last days! has been tracking Barton and his fellow dominionists for a few years now. May you be encouraged to know that not all have bowed their knees to baal. May the Lord God bless you mightily. ~ Gaylene

  5. Gramma from CanadaMarch 26, 2011 at 4:52 PM

    I had just learned lately that David Barton is a Dominionist and I pray for his eyes and heart to be opened to the Truth...which he has strayed from....OR perhaps, never completely understood.
    Oh, Come Lord Jesus.....
    Gramma from Canada

  6. Thank you UTT and MR. Oakland for standing firm and fighting the good fight. I have been doing my own research on America's history. All by myself mind you. Library, secular means and internet. I had found Franklin to be a perverse man. Jefferson to be a mocker of CHrist's grace. Washington was heavily influenced by the Jesuit order of priests. I started seeing what I had been taught at church as a child was wrong!!
    I was not going to teach my children that the so-called founding Fathers are and were CHristians. Then came across CHris Pinto's Documentary on the HIdden Faith of the Fathers. I was upset. Even last year in I believe it was May I gat a gnawing feeling in my gut about all this Beck worship. Something is not right. I was never a Beck fan but had listened, watched and read some of his stuff. I came from it saying this guy only comes so far with the Bible and Scriptures then backs off. I knew something was off. Then I put in a google search and found out that Beck is a Mormon. Eureka I hit pay-dirt. That made everything come into focus. I started warning my family and what friends would listen that this person is going to lead everyone astray. Sure enough they have swallowed the pill and are transfixed on the Barton, Beck, Huckabee gospel. I see many Christians putting America before Christ. I agree with the likes of Brannon Howse, Dr.Noebel and many others that see we have lost the nation we need to focus Christ and to make sure we are not deceived ourselves.
    Thank you again UTT and MR. Oakland you are not alone, we may be few and become fewer, but not alone.
    IN the One True Christ,

  7. Please use some better discernment and stop bashing Calvary Chapel. Simply pray for the Body of Christ in these evil days in which we find ourselves. I think that your attacks on Calvary Chapel are in poor taste and divisive. Perhaps, you should contact Chuck or Brian or Don, and ask for an appointment to discuss your concerns, and get some answers instead of jumping to conclusions. I imagine that they would be happy to meet with you to clear things up. Please stop the "witch hunt" and trust God to care for His church in these last days. I am saying this in love. Thank you.

  8. To the brother or sister who wrote the previous response saying,

    "Please stop the "witch hunt" and trust God to care for His church in these last days."

    Do you not know that the scriptures says that the church in the last days is going to be Apostate. So what do you mean "trust God to care of His Church in these last days."???

    God already has taken care of His church by telling us what is going to happen and warned us not to be deceived.

    I say this in love.

  9. please keep sounding the warning...some of are hearing and sounding the warning in our fellowships,friends and families

  10. I can totally agree with and understand all of the above comments. I finally noticed several years ago that many people believe that our nation can be healed by political means. Good intentioned people are working hard to promote a patriotic agenda. I personally know people that will not read a Bible or consider what the Bible has to say in the matters of our eternal hope of the Gospel as the apostle Paul lays out in his epistles. These same people will however refer to God and His former blessing of our country like it is a constitutional right or something like that. They look at God in a very generic way. As wonderful as our constitution is, it has very limited benefits and its is not the word of God. People do not realize that it is possible to be the best American ever to live perhaps accomplishing more than any person ever but you would still fall short if you did not know our Lord Jesus.
    Recently while reading the prayer of Jesus in John 17 He said in verse 17 "Sanctify them through your truth, thy word is truth"
    In these confusing times I pray that I will look to God and His Word for truth. Remember also Pauls words in Galatians 1:8,9 "though we, or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received let him be accursed" Let us pray for our brothers and sisters in the Lord and not right them off or give them up without a fight.
    Pray for on another.

  11. When i found out about DJKennedy's view about Israel and David Barton was indeed his sidekick it was only a matter of time that Barton would be showing his true color. i thank the LORD G-D for people like you Mr. Oakland who have been given the Grace to help the ones that pray to stay Faithful, the Remnant that Love the LORD and everything HE has written for our benefit.

  12. Thank you brother Roger for standing firm; I know that as a co-laborer with Calvary Chapel for more than 30 yrs, it breaks your heart to see such things transpire in this once solid ministry - though some CC's are remaining solid, a growing number are falling for this Emergent Dogma and 'tri-pod peace plan' as are most churches.
    It seems that all the large churches and even larger pastors are sucuumbing to the global agenda inspired by the R.C. Church and executed by their Jesuit armies. Its time that the church of Jesus Christ stop looking to these leaders for answers and truth, and start looking to and depending on the Head of the Church, the LORD Jesus!
    Likewise, we cannot look to the White House for remedy, but look to all the other houses in America - our own houses and humble ourselves in repentance, and seek God's face, and turn from our wicked ways and receive the true Gospel - I don't believe this will turn America's fate around: she has spurned God long enough and adamantly enough, that judgment is forthcoming. But it starts at the house of God and we are seeing it before our eyes.
    Please know that your message is being heard, that you and your fellow ministers are having an impact on the saints, that we stand with you and behind you with prayers and intercessions, and that your labor is not in vain in the LORD!
    Tonight at prayer meeting we prayed for you and your ministry and two Psalms came to mind: Psalm 38 and 42. I pray that they encourage you!

  13. Grace and peace to you all in the Name of Messiah...

    I'm a believer in England and maybe I am reclusive or something but I never heard of this chap until I got the links from UTT... I immediately hear warning bells - this is basic discernment which I constantly pray for, but it appears so many so-called Christians are either ignoring their own alarms or not getting any in the first place. I mean, it strikes me instantly there is something astray with this man and his type ... you know, immediately obvious ... so how come so many are missing it and getting deceived? It never ceases to concern me how many people who profess Jesus as Lord also follow the apostate teachers we see all over the place; and there are way too many these days.

    Out of interest, what's the issue with Calvary Chapel? I have come across some alarming teachings from Churck Smith in the past week which really shook me as I always used to think CC was the best I could expect, although I no longer attend a CC church. Maybe this isn't the post to be asking such a thing, in which case I apologise, but I just want to be aware (and it isn't a dig at CC either).

    Nice to see so many supporters of UTT/Oakland .. makes me know I ain't the only "real" believer still out here.

    God bless you all and may you receive discernment and wisdom in abundance. Shalom.

  14. Thanks Mr. Oakland for standing firm in these perilous times. There are many of us out here who support you and are lifting you in prayer. Grace and Peace to you brother.

  15. The refusal to discern the Church which is His Body from Israel has led to the "claiming" of certain verses (such as 2 Chron 7:14) given to Israel as though they are for the church of this age.

    Such wrongly dividing of the Word of Truth has placed many on false paths.

  16. I thank God for you, Roger Oakland. If it weren't for discernment and warning ministeries like yours, the true lovers of God's Word and the watchers on the wall, I wouldn't know what all has been going on beyond seeing a truckload of red flags everywhere we turn today. For sure the vast majority of church leadership is not making a peep about it all, so it seems to be in bed with it.

    i am so grateful to see so many here in support of you. Praise the Lord. We all need to be praying for you every day as well. God bless you, brother.

  17. Roger, sorry but you are way off. Ken graves is not a heretic. your just a kook!
    Johnny F

  18. I forgot to thank you for posting the lnks to those videos. I had not paid any attention to David Barton, and they sure opened my eyes in a hurry. Thank you.
